vineri, 13 septembrie 2013

How to Refinance Bad Credit

Since the financial recession in 2008, the options available for people that want to refinance bad credit are limited. Sure, we are talking about some weird situations that were never seen since now. We are talking about millions of homes that are foreclosed, and about the crash of some major financial institutions that were considered the pillars of the economy. With companies such as GM and AIG needing the help of the government to survive, it seems like any business can be the subject of bankruptcy, and there is not such concept as a safe job.

In this uncertain financial scenario, there is no wonder that people were not able to pay their bank rates anymore. Let’s be serious, when your boss threatens you with firing every day, and when you can barely pay your bills, it is hard to pay for the plasma TV you have bought three years ago. This is why people would never think to refinance bad credit if we are talking about personal loans and credit cards. However, this is the fortunate scenario. The worst one is the one in which you have a warranty for the respective credit, such as your house or your car. In this case, if you can’t find a method to refinance bad credit, the bank has the right to foreclose your home or to take your car.

The good news is that banks are not looking for real estates and cars. Let’s be serious, what can they do with a car that was used for five years, or with an apartment that has a market value reduced with 50 % compared with its value in 2008. this is why the banks would accept any refinance bad credit request from the client, and they will only use the procedure of foreclosing the mortgages in severe situations.  If you are in one of those situations, and you have an ongoing loan that you can’t pay, it is better to talk with the bank about refinance bad credit. 

When do you need to finance bad credit? More about this topic on All-Credits

It seems like even the government, that was always a sustainer of the major corporations and banks, understood the importance of citizens, so they obliged those financial institutions not only to discuss any proposal of this kind, but also to try to reach the ideal solution for the client. The rules are clear in this case, and if you think the bank refused your refinance bad credit request with no reason, you will surely find support at the local financial authorities.

One thing is certain. This is not the first or the last financial recession, and the people survived during more severe periods since now. This is why you need to refinance bad credit. The good days will surely come back, and then you will feel sorry that you need to pay the rent and that your old house was foreclosed.

Before ceasing payments, try to talk with the bank about refinance bad credit. The bank will propose you smaller rates, so you will be able to pay them without your budget being affected.

joi, 5 septembrie 2013

Microsoft buys Nokia: what is the effect on NOK?

Just when we thought that the undisputed leader of the mid 90’s and early 2000’s is dying, Nokia showed that it can reinvent itself. Microsoft announced that it will buy the Phone division of Nokia, which will represent a new page of history for the Swedish producer. Nokia will probably renounce to release new cell phones, and it will focus on the new technologies such as the 4G networks. Nokia purchased the communication division of Eriksson a few weeks ago, so it seems like they have some big ambitions. As it was expected, immediately after the official announcement, the stock market went over the roof, and NOK went up 30% in a single day. However, the unusual movements begun with a few hours before the announcement, which means that somebody in the NASDAQ market knew about it. Microsoft will buy Nokia Phones in a 7.2 billion dollars swap, but this does not guarantee the success of Nokia. The “appetite” of Microsoft for bad deals is proverbial, so the evolution of NOK fully depends on the strategy adopted by Microsoft for the new member of the family. For the next days, NOK is expected to be traded heavily. NOK went from 3.9$/share to less

luni, 2 septembrie 2013

The heaven of borrowers: USA credit cards

The financial situation of the common US citizen was not so blue in the latest years. Considering the financial crisis and the irresponsibility of some people allowing credits and mortgages to be given almost to any applicant, you could say that the credit card field is hugely affected. However, the wise decisions of the government and the latest successes of the American people managed to get the banking field out of the recession. As a result, new USA credit cards and loan options appeared. Those credit cards are strictly following the latest governmental regulations, so you can be sure they will be safe and they won’t press too much on your budget.

Low Interest Credit Cards

The Low interest credit cards are surely the best solution for any common US citizen: the student that needs a quick loan to continue the studies, the people that wants to refinance the old expensive cards taken before the recession, or the young families looking for a loan to improve their new home. The fixed rate imposed by the US government is surely a great facility, as the customer always knows what to expect.

Balance transfer credit cards

The Balance transfer credit cards could be considered more like an option for people to refinance all their credit card debts into one. The Balance transfer credit cards are also complying to the latest US governmental regulations, so you are sure you will get a better interest rate and smaller commissions. Even if the bank of your choice refuses to give you such a card, you should contact the authorities to present your case.

0 % APR credit cards

Take great care about the tricky solution called the 0 % APR credit cards, as those kinds of cards are costly if you don’t know how to handle them. If you are the kind of person that likes to pay all the rates in time, you won’t have any worries concerning the 0 % APR credit cards. However, if you are late only one day with the payments, the bank will apply a huge interest to your outgoing loan. This is why you should carefully review all the terms of your contract, as you must know when and how much to pay in order to benefit from the 0 % interest facility.

The instant approval credit cards

This is another tricky option, as “instant approval” comes with a price. Make sure to read all the conditions and terms, as sometimes it is worth it to wait a week or two for a good card, instead of being approved instantly for an expensive solution. 

duminică, 1 septembrie 2013

Keyboards fake ATM: figure 5 is not highlighted

People using cards are advised to avoid becoming prey for cloning computer using keyboards. It is easy to detect fake ATMs, as their keyboards and slots are different.

Customers must pull the inserted credit card from the slot if they see it is false and also to check the keyboard. Another method by which clients can detect installed keypads at ATMs is the number 5, which is outlined for the normal ATMs.

In addition, people can protect themselves by covering the keypad with the other hand when they are entering the PIN, because it could be seen through the bank's surveillance cameras.

Related to phishing attacks, people are advised not to respond to requests by email and to avoid transmitting personal information and PIN details, because banks do not have the right to require such data to customers. People who receive such requests are asked to check in the bank message, and to report it to the bank.

Hammer said that, if the cloning of cards is proven, the client could be compensated by the bank, because the money is insured in this case.
More details about credit cards on